Saturday, December 18, 2010

Getting Rich Is A Serious Business

Larry Burkett's Money Matters (1993) teaches C...Image via Wikipedia
     Getting rich is the ultimate goal of all, I guess.  From the very first time that a man saw some paper bills, he immediately made a decision to acquire tons and tons of money.  There is nothing wrong with having this kind of ambition- to get rich.  Come to think of it, when you have money you have many things to do, buy and yes- but some would not really do- give.  Money creates a different kind of energy that keeps you going even if you have been working for more than ten hours in a day.  That is not surprising because the energy of money is positive and when you have the same energy, you two become inseparable.  People have different views as to how one can become rich.  Old schools say that you have to study hard and get a good job.  Once you have it, work your way to the top. But today's generation provides a number of opportunities to earn unlimited income with the advanced technologies we acquire nowadays.  There is no excuse to be idle or be a couch potato for long when every corner presents different options for you to claim your riches.  But the question is, are these choices the easiest ways to generate millions of money in a short time?  That can make you not only think twice but twenty times I guess to be able to make a sensible answer.  In fact, you have to consider several factors before you join the millionaire-wanna-bes in their quest for their ultimate dream.

Feelings/Beliefs About Money
     When you have difficulty attracting money into your life it is very likely that you have beliefs or feelings that do not support your goal- becoming rich.  Do you believe you deserve to receive millions of money?  Do you also believe that God wants you to be rich?  If you have answered NO  to all of those questions, you have beliefs that do not empower you or keeping you from achieving your goal.  All motivational speakers and success gurus are one and all in saying that before you can claim your riches, all your negative beliefs and feelings about money must go.  You must be "clear" before you can work on your money.  Examine your feelings about money, do you have two stories about it?  You want money but you can't have the job you want.  You want money but your family is really poor and uneducated and it is impossible for you to be rich.  Focus on one story all the time and be sure it is positive.  You want money because you can buy your dream house, car and latest gadgets.  You want money because you want to have a company of your own.  Things like that shift your feelings to be on the positive side and when you do so, more golden opportunities will be presented to you. You can attract your money sooner than later.  Another thing, do not hate your bills.  Just don't take much of your time analyzing why you spent huge sums on not so valuable things.  Be still, stay calm.  Affirm that all will be paid.  Don't you noticed that when you are calm, you can think of better solutions to your problems?  Remember that.

Make A Research/Study
     When you decide to get rich, you have to study how millionaires got their millions, what do they do and read, how they decide on things related to money.  Getting rich means you have to be in the business of the rich.  Although not all will tell about their trade secrets, I guess they do not really want to tell at all, you will get some ideas that will surely help you to get there.  But one thing is sure.  Millionaires have many sources of income, the so-called multiple streams of income.  You can't get rich if you have only one business, unless you are that already made before running a flourishing business.  When I realized that there must be multiple streams of income to get rich, it dawned on me that the reason why most people become thieves or robbers is that what they know is not enough.  You have to do your own assignment and assess yourself where you want to spend your precious time to earn big, big bucks.  Get your mentors.  Mentors are not limited to being flesh and blood.  You can buy books that you think supports your goals.  Try to attend seminars that will empower you and motivate you to get into your ultimate dream.

Millionaire Mountains
     In the book One Minute Millionaire by Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen, the authors enumerated the so-called Millionaire Mountains as sources of millions.  There are four of them and they believe that you have interest in one or maybe all of them.  They are Investments, Real Estate, Business and Internet.  We all know that people with lots of money not only invest in stocks but also trade.  But here, people who go into this must know or at least familiar with the ins and outs of this business.  Also included in the Investments area are mutual funds and bonds.  More are familiar with Real Estate, you buy and eventually sell the property and that is how you make money.  In this book they give an idea to those who are interested to go on this business without money down.  This is where Robert Kiyosaki earns his multi-millions.  In Business, there is this old saying that you have to know what product is hot in the market and if you find your prospective buyers, then create that product.  It still works up to know.  Others are advised to find something that they enjoy and find their market.  If there is a market for it, then create the product.  For the Internet, this is the newest among the four mountains.  I have read many people who have become multi-millionaires by just sitting in their houses and working with their computers.  The Internet has given a great opportunity to those who opted to work from home and still earn huge amount of money at the same time.  Mr. Allen backs the selling of information materials such as how-to topics to those who love to shop on the net.  If one can write a book, he can sell it in different versions-book itself, e-book and the audio version.  According to him, there is money in selling information materials especially to those who love to write.  Now, you can choose from the four mountains or better yet, get into those four and see how much money you make from them.

     So you see, it is not enough that you make an intention to get rich, you must act as well.  The action must be well-planned and studied.  It involves much of your time, energy and soul.  As you learn, you make money.  As you make money, you learn more.  As you learn more, you become an expert on your chosen field.  When you become an expert, you become a millionaire to multi-millionaire.  It is a process because it involves your time, effort, energy and your soul.  It is really a serious business.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What's In A Label?

     Haven't you noticed when you are meeting a new friend, he would always ask you, "what do you do?"  It seems a simple question but that makes you think hard because you want to impress him.  Sometimes you would reply with "well, I manage my own business."  When this new friend introduces you to his group  he says, "I want you to meet a new friend, he is a businessman."  You wanted to introduce yourself to your new friend as a manager but he decided to call you a businessman.  In that case, you earned two labels.

     Labels make a person important to everyone he meets.  It's like a title that is constantly clinging under his name and that really bears a price to most people.  You always know that there are people who will do everything just so they will not lose their positions in companies or well-known organizations because a label gives them prestige and honor.  In the company where one is a Chief Executive Officer, he can demand almost everything from his employees.  The label CEO means power and money and most employees like to reach this position because of the many benefits the label or title has.  The subordinates look at their bosses like gods that must be pleased all the time or else they lose their precious jobs.

   After office hours, a person has another label once he goes home.  He could be a father, son or uncle and each label has different functions depending on his duty that day.  However, he could also be all of those labels when other relatives are present in his house.  He could be a friend to others or a buyer when he goes shopping.  But really, what is in a label?  Do we really deserve all the labels that we have?  Are they just like titles that we want to attach to our names just so others will know that we make sense in this world?  Whatever your answer is, those labels are not really important because as you go on with your life you will definitely be stripped of those titles one by one.  Sometimes you would lose two in a row.  Now you are a husband and many years from now, wife may pass away and you lose a label.  There could be moments that your being father to your only son would be impossible once you lose him.  It is very natural that you will get lonely after losing a member of your family and also your label/title.  Until all of them are gone.

     When I closed my business many years ago, I could never think of a label that I could attach to my name or myself.  I thought it would be a real shame to have no label accompanying a person's name.  I was forced to hide in our house for a while until I finally resolved the issue.  Without a label, I was still the same person.  I could still make reasonable demands and go shopping like I used to do.  Only labels were gone not my whole being, not my whole self.  To this day, I still affirm this statement.

     Being the child of God, I am complete.  No label can make me above all else.  Labels can be used to lighten my loads, to be where I want to be and to get what I want.  But I can always have all the things I desire even if I do not have great labels.  The only way that could make me away from what I want is to be a negative person because being that way,  all I can attract are negative situations.  Even if I have many labels and continue to be negative, no good things will come to me.  However, you can enjoy the many labels you earn and to make them more meaningful, you have to do what is expected from those labels and you.  That way you always make sense.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Have A Child-Like Attitude

Voices That Matter Web Design #VTM_WDImage by ocjess via Flickr
     The moment I see my nieces and nephews when they come to our house, there are attitudes I observe from them that I always remind myself to remain in me.  When I get to talk to them, I hear people who are dreamers, courageous, brave and always on the go.  When I see them tapping a computer keyboard, I see future web designers, computer wizards who are creative and talented that no companies will ever ignore.  They do not mind what other will say of them for as long as they show who they really are, such trait is something that successful people have.

     I just hope these attitudes of them will always remain in them as they associate with other people.  We were like them before but when we grew up we learned from others that we had to acquire other traits that adults should have.  We suppressed a number of emotions that seemed unforgivable in adults such as giggling in front of others especially when we talk about our dreams, showing too much care and admiration to others whenever we find them adorable and cute.  But these feelings help us get by with every day tormentors and stresses.  The reason why we have a hard time moving on and getting back with our senses is that we lose our child-like attitude when we reach adulthood.  Some dreams fade away and this make us don another costume or personality which fits the world we are at the present.  Just as I have observed a former classmate who used to be the class' clown but turned timid and shy guy now.  I just miss the laughter and fun he gave us before.  Now, he is like a robot which you have to pinch and press just so he can start talking.  Oh boy, that, I think, is not good after all.

     So why do we have to retain our child-like attitude which most adults think we should leave behind once we become grown-ups?
-  We retain our creativity which is important in doing whatever we want.  Imagine doing our projects without colors, words and pictures to make them comprehensible?  We can't do anything good if we just rely on the words that we only know, the colors that we have at the moment, the pictures that cannot describe fully what we are trying to say.  What we do represents our selves and it is only when we are creative can we do such wonderful creation.
-  We need to have the courage to go on and achieve our goals.  When we suppressed our feelings, it is difficult for us to run and work on our dreams because we are afraid that what we do or the way we do it will offend others.  We hate criticisms so we  always do what others like us to do and we end up mediocre because it is not what we want to do.
-  Every child is very curious in every little thing he holds or sees.  He is not afraid to ask questions, even stupid question for as long as the information satisfies his curiosity.  Most adults would never show his curiosity and ask mundane questions as this behavior is mistaken to be ignorant attitude.  This is the reason why some never really grow up.  They lack some knowledge that can help them advance in their careers.
-  A child is never afraid to show his real self.  He always does things that will only make him happy.  He is proud of what he has and likes to brag about them.  He is very imaginative and he even wants to explore on all the things that interest him.  He has a carefree attitude that always works to his advantage.
-  A child always wants to be happy.  His happiness is one reason why he is fearless to join contests, to talk to strangers, to visit new places, to try new things even if it will result to failure.  To him, every experience is important because he is always learning from it.

     These are some of the reasons why adults should not leave behind those seemingly foolish attitudes.  When we take them wherever we go, we are bound to create success in life.  We do not have to suppress those behaviors that will eventually lead to a more enjoyable journey.  Who we are is what we need to achieve our goals.  Who we are is perfect, complete and enough.  We do not have to change it nor hide it.  We only have to show it   When we do that, our life is truly enjoyable.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taming Your Inner Critic

    Have you ever noticed the time when you were about to do a project or a thing that you have doing, something would keep you from doing it?  Sometimes a problem would come up but most of the time you could never realize the reason behind that incident.  The truth is no external force was stopping you from doing what you want.  It is your inner critic that keeps you from being productive and creative as well.   I have observed this feeling and most of the time my inner critic wins which pushes me to procrastinate and feeling frustrated in the end.  When I purchased a book about writing which was authored by Tom Bird, I learned that our left brain is responsible for having this inner critic active during writing.  However, there is a part of our brain, which is the right brain, that can control and tame that inner critic.  The author suggested that a writer must set aside a time for writing and usually it is best to write after a good night sleep or an afternoon siesta because the left side of the brain is not yet active.  But what if you want to write in the middle of the day and you know that both sides of the brain are active?  Well, he revealed that one will always struggle to finish even just a page of what he writes.  Both sides are bombarding the writer with conflicting thoughts and it will always be like you are in a battle during this period. 

     Your inner critic can zap your energy and prevent you from doing the things that you like.  It will always
Just the Way I'm FeelingImage via Wikipedia
block your creativity leaving you a copycat or a mediocre artist and you know where you are going when you become like one.  Your inner critic is capable of sabotaging your career and is always there even if you do not ask its opinion about the thing that you do.  If you are unable to silence or at least control your inner critic it will eventually leave you fearful and always hiding in your shell.  How will you be able to accomplish all your goals if you allow fear to reside in your being?  You can never be able to advance even a step toward your goal once your inner critic tells you that what you are about to do is useless and worthless.

     I have found a way to tame my inner critic.  Just before I do something  I do tapping.  I tap my meridian points whenever I feel that something is getting in the way of what I do.  This tapping technique is called Emotional Freedom Technique.  This makes use of your fingers to tap targeted points or areas of your body and at the same time reciting some lines or phrases.  If you inner critic keeps on chatting and you feel so confused you will step back and refrain from doing what you got to do.  Naturally, you feel upset and frustrated and the reason for being so is your meridian points or channels where energy is moving have been blocked.  Only by doing the tapping procedure can you release the energy that has been trapped in your meridian points.  You can search for it in Google and You Tube.  One notable personality in this field is Brad Yates.  He has a lot of videos about tapping techniques and it can be applied in almost all problems that you have.  I will write about EFT in my next article.

     For now, you know that there is a solution to taming your inner critic so it will never interfere with any of you desires.  Realize that it is always present and you can allow it to talk to you but only up to the point where you can still function well .
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Way We Were

Children in Jerusalem.Image via Wikipedia

     A few days ago I had the rare chance of bonding with my former neighbors whom I missed so much.  We had so much fun reminiscing our good old days when we used to play hide and seek in some deserted houses nearby.  I rudely interrupted the conversation as my eyes gazed upon the cellphone a friend was holding.  "Nice phone dude," I said to her.  "Oh, thanks.  It's not the one with the Apple logo but I like it a lot.  I can track down my friends' whereabouts.  You know, everyone is addicted to facebook."  We laughed at her comment but we noticed that she frowned, revealing deeper lines between her eyebrows.  "Hey. what's the matter?"  I asked her.  "Well. I saw this cute little boy outside their house holding the same phone I have now. Kinda strange because I remember, when I was at his age I wouldn't know how to use this gadget and yet..."  "You are so insecure!"  Another friend told her.

     That makes me wonder...Our childhood days were full of fun, laughter and kicks without those gadgets like cellphone, digital cameras, Kindles and the likes.  I could never imagine ourselves holding them without our parents' permission.  We were contented with simple, little things but gave us tremendous joy in our lives.  At least, during our younger days diabetes affecting children was unheard of because we were always outside our houses and we would always run and run until we run out of breaths.  Although we were always drinking chocolates every  morning, the sugar in our blood was always used to the max because the activities that we used to do required us to move a lot.  But now, I see children with big tummies and hands that could break any cellphone by just a minimal pressure.

     Another gadget that was missing then but really needed now is the computer or laptop.  I really like these stuff but the danger is that nowadays, very few children go out and play the way we used to do.  Children now spend too much time sitting in front of the computer and chat along with their friends in social networking sites.  There is nothing wrong with that but it makes them lazy to go out and stretch out.  Before they reach adulthood, they will be bothered by illnesses caused by adapting a couch potato lifestyle.  They no longer spend some energy to meet up with friends outside their homes and they just greet them through their pages sometimes with words only they can comprehend.

     Really, these new inventions have their pros and cons and people must be aware of them.  Some would never live without them.  It is good to have them really, but not to the point of making them the only the way to socialize and live a novel kind of life.  There is also life outside your homes.  Much more real and cheaper, most of the times.  Socializing with people face to face is still the best way to gain knowledge and also confidence.  Holding them in person makes them feel so real to you.  Their true motives are  not hidden, what you see is what you get.  You get to move a lot, laugh a lot and that means, you are burning your calories.

     Life is like that.  You gain a point but sometimes you lose two points at the same time.  Be wary of what you are doing now.  Your interests widen making you appear like an intelligent, well informed person.  But then, how is your health?  Your true worth? What really is important to you now?  Be your own judge as you travel to the next decade where the robots are said to take the place of some human assistants.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Right Love: Must you Wait or Find It?

Vector image of two human figures with hands i...Image via Wikipedia
     This morning I had the chance to view a morning show in a local channel hosted by today's hot singer/actress.  There were two guests, both singers by profession, who gamely answered whatever questions about love and relationship thrown to them.  One interesting question that caught my attention is about  soulmate/right one.  Find it or wait for it?  The guests gave different opinions and this made the discussion even more interesting.  People act according to their beliefs  and surely two groups will be born when the members are asked to choose which strategy they prefer most.  The strategies mentioned offer long discussion and one must dig deeper about the true meaning of one's action.  Different kind of people present different opinions even if all choose the find it option.  This is due to their lifestyle, background and educational attainment.  The more experienced they are with regards to relationships and love, the more rich the explanation they give.  So when you know of someone who opts to go the route that is different from yours, do not judge him/her.  You might be surprised to know that what he/she has in mind is an intelligent thought.

About Your Soulmate

     I am currently reading Kathryn Alice book entitled Love Will Find You.  I discovered a lot of great ways to attract the right love for each person.  The author believes in the existence of a soulmate and testifies that the man in her life now is her soulmate.  She has had her share of failures in relationships but never came out bitter because she understood that her past loves were never meant for her.  She had kissed several frogs before she ended up with her soulmate.  But then she never advises people looking for love to do the same-kiss several frogs.  From the way she presents the strategies in her book, it is safe to say that she is more on the wait for it side.  Well, there are some areas wherein one must act right away or short of saying one can find the right love too when you look for it.  But one sentence in the book that really made me enjoy my reading is that one does not have to go out to find your soulmate.  Even if one is just staying at home, your soulmate can literally knock on your door and profess his love for you.  That one is great considering that I work at home most of the time.  The author always mention in her book  that each one of us has his/her soulmate and that soulmate will never miss the one intended for him/her.  If this is the case, what is the best strategy:  Wait for it? Or find it?

Find It

     Remember that the Law of Attraction is always working whether you like it or not.  When you are giving the feeling that you need to find your soulmate, you are telling the Universe that you are alone and in need of someone to cheer you up.  The universe is like a mirror and whatever we give, we must receive.  So when you give that kind of feeling, the law of attraction must act right away and deliver to you the same situation - that you will always be needing someone to take care of you.  Find it strategy presents positive action when you act or do inspired action.  What do you mean by that?  When you clear your doubts that your someone special is hard to find and replace it with the feeling that she/she is already in your life, you become calm and at peace.  In this state of mind and relaxed feeling, inspiration will be sent to you.  However, most of the time you will not be led to the exact point at once but there will be people, events and things that will accompany you to reach that desired destination of yours.  But again, you must be able to discern the right inspiration for you to act right away otherwise, you lose your chance.

Wait For It

     Ms. Alice does not say that when you want to wait for your soulmate you will do nothing and just wait for him/her to show up in your life.  There are what she calls inner works to do.  What are these inner works?  One must remove blocks/negative programming/beliefs about the existence of his/her soulmate.  That one does not deserve true love because he/she is overweight, poor and jobless is a limiting belief or negative programming.  If you care to look around, you will get to know people who are sitting in a wheelchair for a long time but have somebody caring for them.  Not being blessed with good looks or not having millions in the bank never gets in the way of sharing a wonderful relationship with a soulmate according to Ms. Alice.  If one meets her/his soulmate this person will always be the best for that soulmate no matter what one has.Other inner works to do are releasing past loves that are still in one's mind and heart, doing a soul call where one recite a line like inviting a soulmate to come into one's life.  Buying a card for special occasion and writing a note in it, removing clutter in one's cabinet in preparation to sharing the space with special someone.  When one does these preparations he/she gives a feeling that a soulmate has arrived and is now in one's life.  The Universe then gives the same situation and you soulmate will be arriving and show up in your place.  When one acts as if her/his special someone is already in his/her life, the law of attraction will deliver the same to that person.

You are complete, whole and perfect

      Even if you are alone at the moment you are still complete, whole and perfect.  No one will complete you because you were born that way.  It is only your limiting belief that makes you feel incomplete without your special someone.  Even if you have had several failed relationships before,  you are still whole, complete and perfect.  When you always feel this way, things will improve  and you enjoy your life more.  When you are not acting desperately needing of somebody to love and just feel that you are loved, soon your soulmate will come along and add more zest into your life.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Are You A Self-help Addict?

Description unavailableImage by Єmma Brown via Flickr
     What type of books do you always search when you hit the bookstore?  Most people who visit the bookstore want to buy novels written by their favorite authors while few like something that deal with personal transformation.  Well, not really bad considering that more and more authors come up with something magical, transforming one to be the best person he is to be.  Like they say "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."   As one adds more years to his existence here on earth, he will always look for that thing that aids him in living a magical life.  Some people say that those statements contained in self-help books only meant to sugar-coat every plain explanation of those attention-seeking authors. They were written to fool those buyers and readers of self-help books , according to them.   There is nothing bad about being fanatic of that kind of book.  Maybe, those statements uttered by such people are just their personal opinions and they based them on those people who never really prosper even after reading tons and tons of self-help books.  Of course, one should not take that personally since each one of us is entitled to his own opinion.

     But then how does one know that he has become a sort of addicted to self-help books?  I bet, one is not really bad-looking like he has overgrown beard and nails, or his hair is way beyond his shoulders which he never washes.  But I have observed some behaviors of those people who become addicted to such type of book.  Here are some points I have discovered:

They always visit the bookstore every week to ask sales personnel about new released books on that category.  Nothing to worry about that except that these people can't seem to wait on the arrival of new books.  They always brag about this to their friends who find them really weird.  Most of the books that they have bought a few days ago are still wrapped in plastic and seems that they do not know when to open them.
They want to appear that something is lacking on them and they want to find the solution to it.  They know how to project themselves, they can explain well what they say and they look intelligent enough to weather those storms that they continue to meet.  But still, they are not contented and they want more.  Seems like they are being controlled by their emotions and minds.
They like to tell people about the thing that makes them busy, alert and smart.  Of course name dropping of famous authors makes one appear very smart and wise, almost like a sage and it impresses their friends and acquaintances.  How much more if they meet their favorite authors in person just by attending their high-priced seminars?  But the positive result may not be evident after all.

     So, what do you do  with those people?  Ignore?  Not the solution, I think.  Tell them to go up the mountain and live like a sage?  Hmmm...can they qualify?  The best thing to do is not to give bad feelings about their actions.  You see, they are perfect wherever they are, whatever frequency they have at the moment.  They are responsible for what is happening in their life and no one has the right to argue about what they do in life.  They just want to express who they are.  Even if their actions and behaviors are irritating to you, do not give negative reaction or else it will be you who needs to read that kind of book.  Now what to do with how you feel at the moment, considering that you always want to read that kind of book but never really have the precious time to do so?  The moment they tell you about their experiences about reading this book makes you think twice about your capabilities, your real self, your wants, your goals.  Now, you seem to be addicted too.  You have this unexplainable itch to go to the bookstore and find something that will make you whole even though you do not have the precious time to do so.  You get stressed and started to blame other people.  Is it really right for you to react that way?  If you think that way, go ahead but do not be clueless about the reason why you attract negative situations in your life.  Like those self-help gurus tell us, do not give negative feelings on those situations that you do not like.  Negative emotions attract negative situations.  So how do you deal with being a self- help addict?

You are enough.   Yes, you can remind yourself that you are enough, at least for now...Remember that you were created after the image of God, that means you are perfect, complete and whole.  But then as you were busy collecting your friends as you grew up, you also embraced their signature statements that seemed to be damaging to you but still, you refused to recognized that way.  You lost your way.  You became  strange, unhappy and alien to your real self.  And this being addicted to self-help books is your way to get back to your original form and self.  Not really bad.  Be sure when to call a time out to it. Be sure to get acquainted with genuine people who can help you find your true path.
Do what you are told to do.  When reading self-help books, your being enlightened comes only when you do those exercises outlined in the book.  Nothing good will ever happen to you when after reading the book, you just sit around and wait for something big to happen.  Progress will be seen after the experiment.
Live a good life by doing good.  Self-help books teach you several ways to live the good life and you can attain that by doing something worthwhile.  This kind of books not only teach you how to get rich but also, how to be wealthy.  Which means all areas of your life are taken into consideration.  When you have meaningful goals, you want to wake each morning full of energy to work on them.  The right path is getting clearer to you.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are You Chasing Abundance?

     The word abundance confuses many people.  When people are asked about abundance they always think of one thing - MONEY!.  Abundance incorporates a lot of things and it is simply means "ample quantity," "profusion," and so on.  It incorporates everything that makes a human being satisfied and happy.  Relationship, career, other interests may speak of abundance and if all the areas in your life are shouting the word abundance, that means you belong to few good men who know how to attract abundance.

     Most people are still struggling in life even though they have worked so hard for a long time.  The abundant life that they have been dreaming seems nowhere to be found.  They have spent considerable time and effort to chase this kind of life only to find out that the kind of energy that they are giving is the wrong one.  What wrong energy?  As sages and gurus are telling us, everything is about energy.  Our thoughts and feeling have energy and they vibrate and reach the Universe.  The Universe is like a mirror, we always receive what we give.  Chasing abundance reveals there is lack, need and want in one's life and this is the kind of energy that one is giving to the Universe.  In return, the Universe sends situations similar to what one is sending, so he receives in that form that tells of lack, need and want.  Great author Napoleon Hill writes in his book, Think and Grow Rich, that money is shy and timid.  The moment you chase money, it will run away from you.  On the other hand, poverty is bold and ruthless and when you think of it, situations similar to what you are thinking and feeling starts to appear in your life.  This is what the author wants us to learn.   Since then, more and more books are written based on what Hill had conveyed.  What could be the reason why people adhere to this kind of notion and feeling-wrong energy?  Let us see some points to ponder:

     Self-Limiting Beliefs
     Do you have limiting beliefs that keep you from attaining a successful life?  This beliefs were given to you by your parents, friends, relatives, acquaintances which you adapted and tried to live on.  What are these phrases that seemed to stop you from getting what you want in life?
     "You have to work hard to get the money."
      "Money does not grow on trees"
      "My family is poor so I will remain this way"
      "I have big dreams and I don't think I deserve them"
      "Wish I were in another place so I could earn more"
     Do you really deserve to have this kind of life?  If you believe so, you can have it.  So what is the best thing to do to eradicate all these beliefs.  Simply release them from your system.  There are a lot of techniques which you can use to let go of these beliefs.  You can try Sedona Method, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT) and a lot more.  Search on the web and you will discover which one fits you.  But I really recommend these two techniques because they ask only a few minutes of your time everytime you do it and you are on your way to getting what you deserve.

     Not knowing what you want, who you are
     Do you really know what you want?  Are your dreams yours or from those people around you?  Most people who are experiencing difficulties in life really do not know what they want, they just go with the flow or what you call the "in thing."  They disregard their true feelings and try to live someone else's life by living the dreams dictated by those people around them.  When you reach a certain age and you feel that you have to voice out your opinion, do so.  Rather than live a miserable life, affirm your wants and live  the life that is truly yours.  How do you do this?  Know who you are.  I recommend that you go on meditation 15 minutes a day to get in touch with your inner self.  The path that is really meant for you will be revealed.  Point out your values, the things that matter to you and work on your goals.  You have to have a mission in life to really live a meaningful life.  You were born to do something and this is what you have to find out.

     When you have thought about the above explanations, you would know that by having the same kind of energy you attract what you want.  When we desire good life, we just have to feel what good life is.  When we want abundance, think and feel abundance.  This way you are giving out the same energy.  The energy of abundance is positive so when you feel good, abundance is on its way to you.  Same with money, when you feel good about money, you send out positive feelings to the Universe.  Like attracts like.  The Universe sends you situations that will give you money.  Sounds simple but true.  It is all about feelings and thoughts.  Stop chasing abundance.  Feel it.  But first, eliminate your limiting beliefs and know who you are and what you want.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the Power Of Love

Cover of "The Power"Cover of The Power
     Best selling author Rhonda Byrne came out with a new book entitled The Power.   As usual, the book is an easy-to-read-type and a feel-good-book.  Local bookstores announced the selling of the book two days before it was officially sold.  I was intrigued by its title particularly the short description at the back of the book.  That one is entitled to have an amazing life and the power she is talking about is within us.  There were so many thoughts occupying my mind that time.  I told myself, maybe after reading the book I would become a magician since I just discovered the power in me.  Or I could have anything I desire in just one command.  But all that were blown away as I started reading the book.

     As all motivational gurus are telling us, LOVE is responsible for everything good that is happening in our life.  It is the most powerful feeling.  Love creates good feeling the kind that we need in order to have the best life.  Best life means excellent health, great career, perfect lovelife and experiencing unlimited abundance.  Since feelings and thoughts are perfect combination when it comes to attracting our desires in life,  we should always give love on everything that we do.  So how do you give love to people you encounter everyday?  Tell them that you like their outfit or better yet smile and hug them.  What about those you do not like?  Well, the author simply states that it is safe to turn away without commenting about anything.  That way you do not give any bad feeling. A bad feeling pulls your energy down making you susceptible to negative entities.  They will ruin your day and make you feel sluggish.  It is better that you ignore things that will zap your energy and maintain the good feeling to keep your energy high.

     Somehow, many people are commenting that it is difficult to maintain the good feeling all throughout the day especially when your job calls for entertaining rude people or visiting unruly crowd.  However, Ms. Byrne's reminder of the goodness that we could see in every unfavorable situation that we encounter is enough to keep the level of our energy at its best.

     Good feeling brings great happenings, as she stated in her book, what you give, you receive.  It is a tall order for us to give only love through good feeling to receive whatever good we desire.  For instance, when it comes to money, many are not feeling good about it.  That holds true to those people who are in dire need of money.  When the bills arrive they exclaim, "how am I gonna pay this, I have no money left?"  This reaction speaks of irritation and that person just gave out bad or negative feeling.  Later, he will encounter similar situations.  It will never stop until he switches to good feeling.  One remedy to this is to just imagine that the amount you are paying is the one that you are receiving and that bill, to you, is a check.  That can make a difference.

     The Law of Attraction is always working and no one can escape that.  What we give out, we receive.  It is as simple as that.  Simple yet, quite hard to follow all the time because of the presence of our "teachers" that we encounter everyday.  Those teachers are capable of ruining our day if we give in to them, meaning reacting negatively.  But they can make us strong, even stronger as we learn to react positively in every situation.  Remember that the circumstances that  we are in, whether they are good or bad, are not the real problem, it is the reaction.  The feelings and thoughts that we demonstrate are the most important because they are the preview of our future.

Tags:  energy, law of attraction, inspiration, love
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking Care of Our Parents: It's Pay back Time

SARTHE, HAITI - MARCH 01:  Frisnel Jeune (L), ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

     My mother recently had her partial hip replacement surgery.  It was the result of a bad fall she experienced a few months ago.  At first, I was hoping that no fracture had ever occurred in her lower extremities.  Well, I never wanted to be in the hospital because it has been a long time since the last time I set foot in that establishment.  My heart was beating faster when we went to Orthopedic hospital for a check up one week after her fall.  So many thoughts were running in my mind like how could I possibly blog when I had to be with her in the hospital?; how could I submit my entries in a contest that I was joining that time?; how could I practice the techniques that I learned from the seminar that I recently attended?  Guess what?  It became automatic for me to use a technique that I learned from the seminar and it worked.  No, we were not advised to go home.  We were told that my mother had to be confined because there was indeed a fracture on her thigh bone.  On the neck of her right femur to be exact.  The head was affected and had to be replaced with prosthesis.  So, I conceded and accepted that I would be sleeping in the hospital until the doctor tells us to go home.

     We were taken to a room filled with aging female patients with one of their legs placed in a traction.  That was awful and I felt sad about it.  But then, the technique was working that time.  People seemed nice to us, a caregiver gave me a seat and somebody lent an electric fan to us.  My mother and I survived the first night as we just ignored the heat that we felt that time.

     I just did what I had to do.  I went on with writing my entries and submitted them.  But I had to set aside my blogging for the time being.  My schedule would not permit me, it was too tight.  Gradually, we gained new friends  and we never experienced boredom and fear at that moment.  My mother had a successful operation and to my surprised, a former student showed up to be my mom's therapist.  Truly, when you thought of good things and just relaxed, too many wonderful moments would happen in your life.  We relived some good moments and I got a brief review of what to expect once the patient got out of the hospital.  I graduated with a degree in Physical Therapy but I no longer practice the course.  Good thing, an acquaintance popped up and gave me a good lecture about my mom's condition.

     It has been more than three months since my mom's operation and she is doing well.  Although we have not gone back to her doctor, I still do what is to be done and I surf the net if I need something to learn about her condition.  I gave my time for her, much of my time.  Sometimes, I think about the book that I am writing.  I stopped writing the draft when she was in the hospital and until now I have not written a single word as follow up for the draft.  I look at my calendar and it says that three months had passed since the last time I got hold of the draft.  Yes, there are times that I feel left behind by colleagues and I secretly envy their success stories.  They have more great happenings and they seem to be enjoying their life.  But when I look at my mom, I know that I will get more than what other people have received and that is for sure.  I am paying her back for what she had done to me when I was just crawling and needing love and affection.  Even our Pastors are telling me that I will be receiving more blessings because I take care of my own parent.  Wow, I hope those blessings are aligned to what I have been praying for.  I know God is always listening to me.

     By the way, I would like to tell that my entries were chosen and that I had won thousands for that.  Furthermore, I learned how to cook although I could never imitate the way my mom cook her specialties, still I take pride with what I have gained so far.  I continue to do the techniques I got from the seminar and I always put in my mind that my reaction is more important than the circumstances I am experiencing at the moment.  I look for the good in it and I find some from it.  This is part of my journey and there is always a lesson to learn that will inspire me to continue my mission.  The blessings that will come to me are good motivators and I know that I am deserving of them.

     It feels good that I can serve now that I am still strong and able to do what should be done.  It would be a pity when I am called for something that I could no longer perform simply because my muscles and bones would not permit me.  Parents are there to support  us and we should pay them back when it is time for us to do so.  That is life.  Going against the grain is not allowed.  Or you would be really left behind as your colleagues start collecting their blessings...and even yours.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Most Important Person In Your Life

Who is the most important person in your life?  Maybe you would like to tell me that you cannot really answer the question because you have thought of so many people who currently occupy spaces in you mind.  I know you will think of many names and from those images that keep on flashing in your mind, you can always come up with one unanimous choice of yours.   No matter who your choice is, you will always fail my expectation.  Why?   Even if I do not know you personally, through this question I can easily say that there is one person that you always neglect and sad to say, he or she is truly the most important person in your life.  Who is this person?  Wanna know now?   That person is YOU.

I cannot blame you for not mentioning yourself.  Maybe because that question pertains to other person are so shy to say that it is you.  One more guess and I tell you that this is the real reason, you never consider yourself  SPECIAL.   All your life you work hard to maintain your good image by studying in the most prestigious university in your area, graduating with honors, working in a company that is well known all over the world.  Yet, you always disregard your importance in your life.  Why do we always do that-forgetting to include ourselves in the list and then we fret once others exclude us  in whatever important things they do?  Maybe we lack self-confidence.  Maybe we do not want to be in the limelight to escape envy and being talked about all the time.  Yet, secretly we wanted the whole world to know that we exist and we are doing great.  When we received awards or recognition we wanted that in something tangible or something that we can hold or proudly display in our homes.  Most of us have a space called fame or spotlight area where all our plaques and certificates are displayed so that others will know that we are living our dreams and we excel in that field.  During gatherings or reunions, even if it is not yet our turn to speak, we find ways to interrupt others so we can brag about our achievements not knowing that some of us become subjects of gossips of those who envied us.

But why is it that we have to always think that we are really important?  Here are some important points that answer that question:

It gives us the energy to do what we want to do:  Our feelings are important when we face whatever it is that we have to do for the day.  Knowing that we are really that important or special, we become happy ans inspired to take the neccessary actions to be able to achieve our goals for the day.  Our energy is that high and gives us the chance to show our creativity and talents.  We cannot really work on our goals when we are tired, sad and angry.  It cripples our chances to show what we can really do and our work is substandard and we can be labeled as mediocre.  Besides, being a negative person is never an asset.  People will always leave somebody with this kind of energy.

We become true achievers:  We set our goals and then think of the ways to achieve them.  It does not stop there.  We actually perform those steps that we outlined in order to achieve our dreams.  Our dreams do not center on ours alone.  We also include others that can benefit from the goodness that we do.  We share our knowledge to others, we appropriate time to be of service to them.  Most of all, we share with others the prize that we reap.  Those are true achievers.

We become a role models: Important person deserves attention, a lot of attention and with that he becomes conscious of his attitude towards others; he is now aware of his actions; what he say becomes important too.  He learns to behave in a way that others will not be offended.  He must form words that will only soothe others' senses.  The change that we want will have to come from us and must begin from us.  When one becomes a role model, it follows that most people will aspire to be one, too.  But the responsibilities are not that light and should never be taken for granted.  Knowing that a role model can affect lots of people, one really projects a positive image that can even change the way of the world.

We live a purposeful life:  Most people work so hard day in, day out to make ends meet,  if not to make themselves rich.  But these people do not really seek what is important to them.  They just go with the flow- study, graduate with the courses not intended for them, work to build their houses and fill in their bank accounts until they are up for retirement.  These people seem to be clueless of what is really there for them.  God has given them talents to use to make this world  a better place to live in but they chose to take another path only to find out that what they do is meaningless.  They get involved in miserable relationships, they work with ruthless people and receive what is not due them.  This is the result of low self-esteem simply because they do not regard themselves as important.  They are not aware of their capabilities and intelligence to do something worthy in their lifetime.  For people who see themselves as important, they seek in their hearts God's plan for them.  They do what God has told them and they live a happy life knowing that they are of service to others and they get paid so well.

We are capable of creating the kind of life we desire:  We feel the power within us and that power is intense, capable of turning things around.  We dream so high and with that power and right action, we can possibly reach that dream.  Possibilities are infinite, endless because we are so inspired to be creators of the things we desire.  We continually receive inspirations from the Divine and the instructions are so clear, we can do what is good for us.  We become students for life and the lessons that we are learning are helping us compose our aspirations and achieve them.  Those obstacles that perenially show to scare us seem to be small battles that need not be taken seriously because we become warriors that are ready to attack them once they strike.  Being designers of our life is an easy course.

We can always expect miracles to happen:  Everything good can happen to us.  Small ones.  Big ones. With the way we treat ourselves, blessings can come to us.  We believe in ourselves, we have confidence, we love ourselves, we accept who we are, we show who we are in everything we do, we are proud of who we are, expect people to treat us good, too.  With that, we can attract what we desire and our life will never be the same again.

Now, start treating yourself well.  Be reminded that we are created by God and all of us are His children.  All of us deserve special attention and we can only receive that if we regard ourselves the most important creation in this world.  From now on,  You are the most important person in your life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mental Housecleaning

     What are you thinking right now?  Your dreams, goals, things that you want to buy?  Or are they your everyday pressures, enemies, problems?  At this moment, may I ask you to forget those thoughts and proceed to go into silence for at least 5 minutes?   Maybe you are at a lost as to how are you going to do it.  Just sit or stand where you are right now and close your eyes.  Take a deep breath and hold it for 7 seconds and exhale.  Do this again.  Relax now and think of nothing.  Let go of your problems, excitement and any feelings you have.  Be still and stay that way for a while.  Now take a deep breath again hold it for 7 seconds, exhale and open your eyes.  Feeling better?  Absolutely yes.  You just meditated.  This simple activity brings a lot of benefits to you.  What I have asked you to do was a simple mental housecleaning.  Do you notice that when your mind is free of any cobwebs you can actually think and act better?  That is because you have gained some clarity when you let go of your thoughts.

      A lot of us bombard our mind with lots of thoughts and most of them are destructive to us.  Successful people know how to use their mind and they see their mind as a tool that can help them achieve their goals.  What exactly are the contents of their mind?   Success thoughts.  Not only the steps on how to conquer their dreams but also the steps on how to conquer their fears.  They have created several affirmations that they feed into their mind so that very, very soon they will act according to what their mind is thinking about.  They have programmed their mind to become successful through the kind of thoughts they have in their mind.

     So for those who are struggling all their life, we know the kind of thoughts they have in their mind.  Negative thoughts.  Most of us know the consequences of instilling this kind of thoughts in our mind.  But we are hard headed.  Several Secret Teachers have appeared and appealed to us to think only of happy thoughts to attract happy experiences but some never really bothered to do so.  Truly,  most people are programmed not to release their destructive thoughts simply because they are afraid of accepting new experiences.  Truly, embracing change is a hard task to do.  Doing new activities reveals our weaknesses and even ignorance sometimes and we are afraid to show all these to anyone for fear of rejection.   This is something deep.  We all know where this will lead us if we continue to sabotage our mind, if we continue to plant wrong seeds into it.

     Some people are kind of lucky they go into some trials and learn lessons from them.  These lessons trigger them to act accordingly, meaning wiser this time around to face challenges in life.  That facing obstacles require not only the lessons you have acquired from years of studying in school but also the tough mind you have programmed to succeed.  Many times over, we claim that we can overcome any humps and bumps when we go out in the street only to find out that we are short of mind power.  We get easily intimidated, scared and overwhelmed because we still carry with us some limiting beliefs that keep us from moving forward.  We have fears and it all starts to come out when we think negatively of ourselves and the situations we are in.

     We can prepare our mind to face our dragons - our fears.  We must let go of our beliefs that do not make us great.  We must clean our mind, sweep those negative thoughts and replace them with seeds of success.  It may be hard at first to do it but if we could only think of the valuable experience we would be having when we do it,  now is the best time to go for it.

      I encourage you to meditate daily to clear your mind.  Acquire some power.  Build a better version of you.   Put your past behind you, it should never be accessed again.   Your future can be created beautifully.  How?  By instilling good thoughts in your mind daily.  Remember that you can attract what you think about most of the time and your future is just around the corner.  Your future can be later, tomorrow, next month, next year and so on.  If you want a better life start feeding your mind with great thoughts.  Great mind creates great person.  Bear that in mind.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Clear Your Space

You have to work on a project.  All the important details and things are with you and yet you cannot start what you have to do.  Your eyes are focused on the extra details or clutter that keep you from working.  You cannot concentrate because your attention is always on the things that  are not needed.  So, what are you going to do with them?   Although you always argue that you do not have extra time to clean your space, it is better to face the problem rather than prolonging your agony.  For sure, there will be extra time needed to finish your work when you have those clutter in your working space.  Those frequent glances can take a lot of your time and instead of finishing ahead of time, you wasted precious moments.  Why not clear your space first and take a rest.  This will surely work on you.  You can think clearly, work with harmony and end your activity with so much fun and excitement. 

Any project done in a hurry and in a messy location can never be a work of art.  It will always be a work of hate and agony because of the experience incorporated with that work.  Most people like to start with a clean and cool environment because the atmosphere can give inspiration and better ideas.  Some opt for a quiet meditation before starting a project.  This helps them to clear their minds of any cobwebs thus, resulting to a more relaxed and interesting working experience. 

A clear place inspires you.  It gets you going.  There is more to be done when your space is uncluttered.  More work to be done in less time.  That means your attention is focused solely on your project.  Uncluttered space also means smelling fresh and clean.  Old papers gives a foul odor so do empty bottles or cans that have been in the area for a long time.  It is very relaxing when the place is clean and smelling fresh.  It can raise your vibration which gives a positive feeling.  This one is also very important when you are working on a special project. 

Whether the place is your working area or resting place, the most important thing to remember is to make it clean, clear and fresh.  Where you are reflects who you are.  When your place stinks and is messy, people will always think of you that way.  It is best to extend the cleanliness to your space, to everything you have and do.  That way you can think clearly, express what you want in a pleasant way and do what you want in your perfect time.  Why not start cleaning or clearing your space now even if you are still waiting for clients and work to come?   The moment you do so, they will start to come to you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Blogger Templates: New Beginnings

     I just received an e-mail from regarding its newest templates.  When I clicked on the site where the templates are displayed, I immediately changed my template.  It really inspired me to dress-up my old blog and changed the title of it.  Just a few months ago I was thinking, "maybe should come up with new templates."  My wish was heard by my angel and sent the message to

     I have had an on and off relationship with this blog of mine.  It is my first blog.  I left the blog after consistently writing articles for five months.  After more than a year, I decided to revive it.   It was still here when I checked on it and was waiting for me to fill those spaces again.  I just realized that it really cared for me.   I told myself that I should make up for it.  Give it another try.  Make it new, at least in appearance.  Write frequently not when I am only in the mood.  I always tell myself that this blog will eventually attract avid readers.  But that will depend only on the frequency of writing my articles or updating this blog.   At least, when I write on this page this blog never questions me nor irritates me.  It just accepts whatever words I typed.  That is one great reason to blog.

    There are other reasons why I love to blog.  I get to meet other bloggers as well.  I also learned  a lot from them.  On this page, all bloggers are just some clicks away from each other and I really appreciate the invention of this site.  Blogger makes it a point to bring my messages to people I do not really know and keeps me informed about the latest in almost everything.  Blogging makes an aspiring writer to be "legitimate writer" at least through this page.  Besides making very easy for each blogger to create his own blog, Blogger assures its bloggers that each blog can be a creation of a true much about praising Blogger.

     Very soon I will make my blog a professional blog.  I am so excited about it.  To tell you the truth,  I made a decision to leave this blog or delete this blog but the new templates changed that decision.  I am retaining this blog not only because of its new templates.  This is my very first blog and I feel very comfortable telling what is on my mind through this blog.  I want to keep things that make me happy, comfortable and inspired.  That is what is doing to me.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Loving Yourself First

     Most people spend a lot of their time and money to look for the right person to love.  Many have been searching for a long time and yet, the love they want never come.  They simply forget that they can never give what they do not have.  

    A lot of self-help books teach us to fill ourselves with love and eventually this will be radiated to each person we will be meeting.  When we have this kind of feeling it is easier for us to love ourselves and this is the first step towards having a great and wonderful relationship with anybody.

     Loving ourselves may be hard for us because the very first thing we see when we face the  mirror are the countless flaws that disturb us day in, day out.  Before we can conquer love, we must accept our flaws and treat them as something that make us stand out and different from others.  Another thing, we must approve of ourselves.  Some of us are not blessed with movie star looks but can still make other heads turn when they walk.  It is because they always think of themselves as unique, the flaws they have are seen as something that make them even more interesting.  These people have lots of self-confidence and they can live with happiness despite having imperfections.

     The very first thing to do is to acknowledge our flaws and accept them.  We have to do it or else, we will live in place where only miseries, frustrations and unhappiness thrive.  Our success in life will always depend not on what good traits we have but on how we respond to stress and anxieties we encounter everyday.  Once we acknowledge and approve of ourselves, things will fall into their proper places.  Why is that so?   We now send a different vibration to the Universe.  We send positive feeling and this in turn gives us situation that will make us happy all the time.  When you are happy, you look and feel better.  You radiate everything good to every person you meet.  Loving ourselves will be easier now and we will be working on having more love in our life every day.  Isn't that wonderful?  We can stop looking for love because love will haunt us.  We can now give more love and we can now receive more love.  People start looking for us and we will be overwhelmed.  Love begets love. 

Start your day with this affirmations taken from the book "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay:

I love myself.
I approved of my self

After sometime, all will be well in your life.