Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: Happy To Be Me

In my world there are only happiness, love, power, vitality and infinite goodness. The reason why I am happy to be my real self. In my world there are inspirations, dreams, hopes and goals. The reason why I stay energized and motivated. In my world there are good people, happy people, successful people, rich people. The reason why I am good, happy, successful and rich. However, the last two descriptions exist in the higher plane and awaiting their existence in the lower plane which is physical. In my world there are wonderful happenings that only I can relate to because I am the only owner of those circumstances. In my world there are abundance, prosperity, wealth and whatever great descriptions one can attach to material things. The reason why I feel great because I do not worry about my future. But one may ask me, "where is your world? It is like heaven where only great things are seen and felt." Do you want to know where my world is? You are right. It does exist in my mind and heart. In my spiritual plane. Only in that place can I feel and see those beautiful creations of God. But it is also possible to have it in the physical plane. Only if all people manage to reveal their true selves, which is the best creation of God. God's creation is full of love, power, abundance, prosperity, vitality. It is also full of hope, dreams, inspirations. People are good, successful, rich and happy. In other words, only beautiful things exist in the hearts of people. No more, no less. Being your true self is powerful and liberating and that is what God wants from you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My Year End Report: Counting My Blessings

I have so many blessings to thank for and I could not ask for more at the moment. All I think is to thank God for all the good things and sometimes bad things that happened to me this past year. For one, I went back to blogging. I deliberately left this site early last year only to go back last quarter of this year. I was pressured to do other things in between this period and I opted to leave blogging. I thought of venturing into another field but writing would send feeler to me every now and then until I realized I had to do it because it was part of my original dreams- to write and inspire my readers.

I also gained a lot of friends who are into blogging. Although I have not met them personally, I am grateful that I came to know them at this point when my blogging skills have to be updated. Too bad, I have little time to view all of those blogs and I manage to view only a little of them everyday. I learn a lot from them and it is a great world to live in.

I reviewed my list of original dreams and my mission statement and I promised to fulfill them as soon as possible because I can feel that this is my time to really make big waves out of those dreams. Really, God has a mysterious way of telling me what to do in my life. When I ask Him, He does not answer. He just wants me to go on and He will be my guide. I went through a lot before and it dawned on me that I was born with a distinct mission in life that I have to fulfill or else I would not be able to live a life with a purpose. I look at the gift God has given me and it is only proper to make use of it. In that way I can serve Him the best way I can.

I learned that I have this tremendous power that I have to use. Only, that power will be of use if I can control what is in my mind habitually. Now, I only think of good thoughts so these things will be sent back to me by the Universe. I threw away all my self-limiting beliefs and I always remind myself that I have unlimited potentials which will help me live to the fullest. I also associate with people whom I think will inspire me to do my best and live the life I really want.

Finally, blogging has been my way of saying what is in my mind and I really know that my readers learn a lot from what I have been writing all along. I thank God for giving me this chance to reach people of different nations and interact with them every now and then. Truly it has been a fruitful and prosperous year for me. I truly believe that this coming year will be full of surprises because of the kind of seeds I have planted.