Saturday, March 12, 2011

Passion And Money: Imperfect Combination?

Steve Jobs shows off iPhone 4 at the 2010 Worl...Image via Wikipedia

      Most people say that our passion for certain things can only give us pleasure and never money.  This is the reason why many of us accept jobs that call for things that we do not own or have.  At this point, we are forced to learn new skills to do our jobs efficiently.  This is always a positive move on our part and it makes our resumes look appealing when we show them to our prospective employers.  Apart from learning new skills, increased salary always follows when we get upgraded all the time.  However, money is still the main reason why many people tend to accept jobs which they do not really like at all in the first place.  At the end of the day, there are two important questions that you have to answer in relation to your current job.  "Are you happy with what you are doing?  Are you living your own life?  I bet most of you will answer in the negative and with feelings that convey regret and frustration.

     Negative Programming

     Even before we decide on our career, people around us like to dictate what they would like us to do when we grow up.  Our parents are likely to meddle with our choice of course in college and eventually order us to pursue a career that is unlikely to show who we are.  When they say " what, you want to be an artist?  Can that fill you bank account with lots of money?"  Being so young and naive, you would think twice about pursuing what you want.  If what they say stays in your mind and becomes your "guiding light," surely what you previously had in mind would take a back seat until such time that you are ready to reconsider it.  But then, only you know what you can do even though you have developed this fear to do what you wanted to do.  When you allow your mind to be fed with thoughts that can never support your reasons to live honestly and happily, you are bound to fail.  If that happens, people around you would only blame one person and that is you.  When you are working or pursuing a career, you are the only one walking on that path.  The others are there on the sides looking at you and waiting to hear some good news or progress on what you are doing.  If you fail to live up to their expectations, you are perceived as a loser.  You are really going to be that way since you choose to do things associated with difficulties, resentments and sadness.  Remember that when your true self is repressed, you can never realize your true potentials and knowing your mission or reason why you are here will never be revealed to you.  The kind of life that you are likely to have is that of an automatic one that has no purpose and love.

     Money Is Your Driving Force But Satisfaction, Happiness and True Wealth Are Nowhere To Be Found 

      We are programmed to look for jobs that will give us fortune and fame as well.  Never mind the inert talents and skills we have, as what most say, symbols of true wealth such as money, fame and material things are what make us happy.  But when you ask people who have acquired billions of money, properties everywhere and not so serious relationships that go with their lifestyle, all of them never really felt the true happiness and satisfaction in their life.  They still long for some things which they cannot really identify.  That is because they look outside to fill up the void they have inside.  They associate material things to success and happiness when in fact they can fill the void temporarily.  If only they could look inside or within them, what they really desire would be revealed to them.  They are assured of lasting happiness and success.

     Successful People Followed Their Dreams And Made Millions and Billions

     Steve Jobs is one person who chose to follow the path that was really meant for him.   It was never an easy way to find out what he wanted to do.  He really sought the thing that he really loved to do and from there he worked his way to produce the elite and best gadgets we have now.  Being an adopted child of a poor family, he never considered his life story to be a hindrance to his success.  It inspired him to look for things that made him happy and contented.  He just did the things that aroused his passion or strong liking to it not knowing where they could lead him.  Later in life, he realized that those things that he considered important were able to help him create beautiful and amazing gadgets that make our life easier and better.  His passions unearthed his true potentials and gave him all the money he never imagined in his life.  This is the very reason why he urges young people to look for things that they love to do and always follow their passions.

     Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki.  They are people who opted to follow what they had in their heart and gave so much to people in terms of entertainment, nuggets of insights, better living and inspirations.  Although what they are receiving now, billions of money, have become somewhat ordinary compensation to them, they never fail to inspire people to do their best according to what is inside their heart.  To them, passion and money can be perfect marriage partners and can last a lifetime.  So, why not adopt this notion?  The truth is, fortune comes in a little later.  Fame and satisfaction can never be far behind.  The periods between honing your skills up to perfection and the time that true wealth comes seem to be endless and unsatisfactory because the outside world is very much different from what you see inside of you.  Once, you hit the mark and  have created waves in your field of interest, true joy sets in.  It is like winning the jackpot price in a lotto draw.

      Change Your Thoughts And Follow Your Heart

     It is never too late to reconsider what you really want to do with your life.  All you need is change of thoughts.  Better yet, seek what is truly in your heart.   You were born with a mission and God has planted in your heart what you truly desire to do including your passion.  Your passion is an expression of who you are.  Your true happiness lies on accepting your real self.  Expressing one's true self by way of doing what you really love and expecting to receive great compensation or reward is always liberating.  When we are happy with what we do, we always attract good and positive situations.  Money always follows when we feel good and happy.  Fame, too, can be yours.  Satisfaction and contentment are there to remind you that you are doing great.

      So now, do you think an artist can earn so much if he decides to truly pursue his passion?  The answer will always depend on his thinking, positive feelings and expectation of his rewards for taking the bold step to be his true self.

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